Monday 15 April 2013


Now, every outfit needs a little something or another. Either a necklace, ring, watch, bracelet, bag, funky socks, I could go on but I would be here for hours, Now my birthday is coming up and I was on holiday not long ago, my uncle went into h.m Samuel's because there was a sale, they had a part for Paul's boutique watches and I went to have a look, and I really liked a watch there, so long story short, that watch is what he has got me for my birthday, so when the time comes I will b wearing that whenever I can. I also where a chain a lot that I get from my old school. We was making so jewelry and they had that for sale, on its own, it a long chain with two others attached to it. Its one of them that looks miss-coloured but it meant to be like that. But like I was saying everything needs a little something to 'spruse' it up and here are some picture to help you figure out what to where with your outfit.
                 Love Lizzie xx

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